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Survival Seeds Product review

Cool season kit Survival Seeds
Cool season kit Survival Seeds

Written and edited by Tammy 4th January 2024

Until now I hadn't really considered doing any product reviews. But recently, my curiosity had gotten the better of me to try a few products that had kept popping up in my social media feeds.

Our phones are such clever little things, noting our interests then swamping up with temptations, "here's a suggestion for you" or "we think you might like this, based on that".

Now be it that I'm kind of into all things gardening, THIS one caught my eye...

Survival Seeds- Their story

 Who are they?

Survival seeds are a small family-owned business that came to be in 2020 amidst the COVID lockdown.

You might remember in the peak of COVID society went into 'meltdown'.

In an attempt to set themselves up as self-sufficient as possible, the frenzied panic buying of everything from toilet paper to vegetable seedlings sore demand outstrip supply. Shelves were bare, and plant nurseries couldn't produce seedlings quick enough.

This inspired creator/owner Stuart to follow his instincts out of not only passion, but necessity and set up a small business of producing and selling non genetically modified Heirloom Seeds. His aim was to inspire and encourage all gardeners, current and future generations to become successfully self-sufficient in producing their own food.

Survival Seeds-Their product

I mentioned they produce their own non genetically modified heirloom seeds.

That sounds a bit fancy so what exactly does that mean?

Heirloom seeds are open-pollinated, hardy cultivars of fruits and vegetables that have been grown with love, the seeds have been collected and then passed on down through generations, often in excess of 50 years, hence they are cherished for their historical significance.

They're generally hardier and more pest and disease resistant than their commercial counterparts that are often overbred for mass production to meet high demand.

Heirloom varieties have stood the test of time maintaining their unique full-bodied

flavours that make them by far superior.

Non genetically modified simply refers to the fact that they're not tampered with or altered in any way. They're grown the good old fashion way outside in the elements with no artificial interventions.

Seed selection within the cool season kit.
Seed selection within the cool season kit.

Survival Seeds-Value for money

They most DEFINATELY are value for money!

When you stop to consider the cost of a regular common packet of seed from any retail store being between $5 and $7, Survival seeds are giving you premium quality non-GMO Heirloom seeds at a little over $2.40 per variety within their packs. It goes without saying.

Watch my review.

Survival Seeds-Give them a try!

When you find 'a diamond in the rough' it pays to give it go. It's such a tough industry out there, with so many small businesses trying there absolute hardest for success.

This little diamond ticks so many boxes.

  • Home grown family business.

  • Providing a wonderful product that we all would want to see live on, Heirloom variety seeds.

  • Extremely good value for money.

  • Encouraging sustainability and self-sufficiency.

They caught my attention and I'm glad they did. I'm giving them a try, and I highly recommend you do too.

Here's hoping you all had a wonderful weekend and managed some time out in your gardens.

Happy gardening!😘🌸

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