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Studying Certificate III in Horticulture

Emerging seedling.
From little things big things grow.

Written and edited by Tammy 12th March 2024

The tail end of 2016 saw me thoroughly enjoying my first year working in a local, family own retail plant nursery. It was so exciting to find myself doing something I truly loved.

A promotion by University of Tasmania was offering scholarships for a short course in 'The Science of Gardening'. It was only three months, studying online self-paced and with the scholarship it wouldn't cost me anything out of my own pocket.

Any apprehensions I had for studying online were soon dismissed and I was keen for more, so when part 2 of 'The Science of Gardening' was on offer I grabbed it.

Unknowingly, I had set myself up perfectly for my Cert. III in Horticulture. I had become confident and comfortable with online studying, and I had the basic fundamentals of soil biology and chemistry, and the world of botany.

Early 2020 I began researching Certificate III in Horticulture, who could I study through and what was it going to cost.

The one thing I kept looking for was 'testimonials' and reviews from past students who had been through what I was looking to embark on.

Now it's my turn to be one of those past students and share my story to hopefully save you some leg work.

Certificate III in Horticulture-The whys, whos & hows.

Why horticulture?

Plants and gardening are something I've loved all my life.

If you're going to take that big step of studying to qualify in a field, make sure it's something you genuinely love and are interested in. It shouldn't be a chore or boring, it should be an exciting and rewarding challenge.

Remember the saying "Life is about the journey not the destination". (yes, you've got to have a destination or a goal for where you're heading, BUT life is too short to rob yourself of enjoying the journey to get there).

Who did I study through?

I chose to study with Open Colleges. They are proudly Australia's foremost long-distance education provider leading the way now since they began, mailing out workbooks back in 1921.

They have a physical campus in Perth WA, North Tce Adelaide and, their head office is in Sydney NSW.

Why did I choose them?

Initially, it was their reputation as the leader in the field and, that that they'd been around the longest, that had to mean something.

Equally important was the cost, flexibility with payment options, and the timely availability of lecturers, or assistance when I needed it. To me that was important. If I was going to be taking this journey remotely, I wanted the assurance that there was always going to be someone available for support....and there was.

What did it cost?

I enrolled to study my Certificate III in Horticulture AHC30716 in February 2020 and back then it cost me $4,600.

Upon enrolment I paid a $100 deposit then I was set to go!

The balance was paid in weekly instalments over the duration which was 12 months.

OC allowed me to set up a payment schedule that worked for me around my other regular expenses which was a blessing and made the difference between me being able to study or not at all.

How long did it take?

Twelve months was the allocated timeframe to complete the course.

COVID lockdown happened in the time that I was studying so my class were lucky enough to be given grace of an extra 6 months. Despite that, I still completed all 16 modules easily by June 2021 (16 months).

What you can expect.

The main difference with studying online is that you are not physically in a classroom with your lecturer and peers.

Once your profile is set up, you'll be guided through the process of logging into 'Open Space'.

Open Space is your online campus where you'll access all your course content and assignments.

No different to a classroom, you'll work your way through a module, (a topic) and finish with a theory and practical assignment.

Practical assignments will require you to have someone video you and sign off as your witness. You can then upload your assignment including your video to Open Space to be assessed and graded by your lecturer.

Once you successfully pass that assignment you can move onto the next module.

The most important piece of advice I can give you is to find a way that best works for you to manage your time. 'Time management' is definitely the key to be able to stay on track.

They will make exceptions and give extensions for unforeseen circumstances, but generally, each semester is a fresh intake of students not unlike a regular school.

Would I recommend it?

Most definitely, without a doubt!

From day one OC were prompt, friendly, professional and helpful.

Student Support were wonderful and encouraging, and always went out of their way to help.

Zooms and Webinars were a great way to interact with your lecturers and fellow classmates in a virtual classroom.

A link to participate is sent to you via email, (think of it as a key to the front door) using either your computer or device with a camera and microphone enabled, you'll open the link and you're in.

On your screen, you'll be able to see all your classmates and your lecturer and have the opportunity to join in and speak to one another.

 I enjoyed the process and convenience of being able to work at my own pace, in my own time, from at home. I didn't have to take time off of work to go and attend classes at a Uni, so it worked perfect for me with my family and job commitments.

An early assignment of mine to design a small garden.
An early assignment of mine to design a small garden.

The 16 Modules

  1. AHCPCM204 - Recognise plants.

  2. AHCPCM202 - Collect, prepare and preserve plant specimens.

  3. AHCPGD201 - Plant trees and shrubs.

  4. AHCNSY303 - Install and maintain plant displays.

  5. AHCNSY301 - Maintain nursery plants.

  6. AHCWHS301 - Contribute to work health and safety processes.

  7. AHCPCM302 - Provide information on plants and their culture.

  8. AHCSOL303 - Implement soil improvements for garden and turf areas.

  9. AHCPCM301 - Implement a plant nutrition program.

  10. AHCPMG301 - Control weeds.

  11. AHCWRK30 - Apply environmentally sustainable work practices.

  12. AHCPMG302 - Control plant pests, diseases and disorders.

  13. AHCWRK305 - Coordinate work site activities.

  14. AHCWRK311 - Conduct site inspections.

  15. AHCPGD305 - Conduct operational inspection of park facilities.

  16. AHCTRF303 - Implement a grassed area maintenance program.

As you can see by looking at the topics covered here in the 16 modules, by studying Certificate III in Horticulture there are so many opportunities and doors open for you.

You could work as an inspector or grounds keeper for local council parks and gardens, work in a botanical garden or herbarium, or head down the path of landscape design.

I'm out the other side now, a qualified Horticulturalist, in the industry I love, managing a garden centre! It doesn't get any more real than that.

I'm proof that it's very possible and do-able... If you put your heart into it.

What have you got to lose!!

Happy Gardening😘🌸

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