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The benefits of Seasol

Updated: Aug 18

Yellow and White Chrysanthemum daisies.
Yellow and White Chrysanthemum daisies.

Written and edited by Tammy 21st June 2023

With our daytime maximum temperatures here in the Limestone Coast not expected to get much over 10-11 degrees this week, we begin to feel uncomfortable, cold and sluggish. Our immune systems even slow down with the lack of vitamin D from the sun and we become at a higher risk of coughs, colds and bugs.

What about our plants? Well, the evidence is there that they're not happy about it and don't cope well with it either.

They slow right down with their growth and flowering, they can begin to look a little sickly and lacking in their lush green colour, and like us they become more susceptible to diseases and disorders.

We begin taking extra multi vitamins and immune boosters to help boost ourselves and to prevent ourselves becoming unwell. It kind of makes sense and seems a logical thing to maybe consider doing the same thing for our plants too.

This is the part where Seasol comes into it.

Seasol  Complete Garden Health Treatment
Seasol Complete Garden Health Treatment

Seasol Complete Garden Health Treatment is to a gardener what butter is to bread.... we go hand in hand. Every gardener owns a bottle or two. The active ingredients in Seasol are derived from seaweed making it a wonderful source of nutrition and trace elements.

We garden gurus always recommend when you're transplanting anything to give it a soak first and water it in with Seasol. Not only does it help prevent and overcome transplant shock, but it helps to stimulate root growth and boost a plants immune system.

Now perhaps even more so than ever as things start to struggle and look unwell in your garden, boost them up, give them a helping hand with some Seasol. It can be safely done every 2 to 4 weeks, all year round.

Always apply any liquid applications to you plants early in the day so there's time for it to be absorbed and they aren't left wet into the evening hours increasing the opportunity for fungal issues or rot due to dampness to arise.

A regular dose of Seasol when your plants are struggling might just be their saving Grace.

As with any garden ameliorants, always read and carefully follow the instructions to apply them as per the rates on the labels.

You'll find Seasol Complete Garden Treatment available online or in a major leading outlet near you.

Rug up and keep warm over the next week with the extreme cold temperatures.

Perhaps even throw some frost cloth or some form of protection over any little young vulnerable veggie seedlings too.

And it you don't already own a bottle of Seasol, add one to your shopping list now and start boosting your gardens and plants to help see them through the cold.

Happy Gardening😘❄️

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