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Identifying Scale-A sticky situation.

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Written and edited by Tammy Dec 22

Scale are a small sap sucking insect that feed on the sugars of a plant. Like any other creature on our planet...'what goes in, must come out', in terms of scale secretion, you may hear it referred to as Honeydew'. like when you leave honey or jam on the kitchen bench...ants miraculously appear, the same thing happens when the plant is covered in sticky sweet honeydew, thus the ants will come marching!

Not only can an infestation of scale look unsightly on your plant as the honeydew becomes covered in a sooty mould, but it can actually advance quickly to the point of making your plant very sick even potentially killing it left untreated. Be on the lookout for it on your indoor plants too, as scale isn't just a problem outside in the garden, unfortunately they are known to be a pest associated with indoor plants too.

If the plant is small enough and the infestation is minor, as always, try to physically remove it before resorting to any chemical. The little black mounds will scrape off easily enough with your fingernail of a blunt object. If the infestation is larger or more advanced there are numerous products out there on the market, they're predominantly oil-based products that will successfully get it under control. They work by means of suffocation, with the oil coating the scales breathing pores.

A few reputable products you can try are the Yates Scale Gun, comes in a 750ml RTU. For treating a larger infestation Yates also do a 500ml concentrate White Oil, or finally another one I like personally like is the Eco-Neem Oil, comes in a handy little 100ml concentrate that mixes up to 50Litres. You'll be able to find these products through most leading major outlets. Always follow and apply them as per the manufacturer's instructions and rates on the labels.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas and enjoying time with family friends and loved ones. Happy Gardening!😘🪴

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