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How to save water in the garden💦👀

Updated: Jan 7

Leaking poly dripper hose
Leaking poly dripper hose

Written and edited by Tammy 30th August 23

Now more than ever with the costs of living making things a struggle for families, we're all looking for ways to be conscious of saving money any way we can in and around our homes.

Our gardens aren't the exception. There are some simple measures we can put in place to save water in our gardens potentially save us hundreds of dollars a year.

  • Tap timers. Replace the batteries in your tap timers at the beginning of each season and run them to ensure they're functioning correctly.

  • Check for leaking taps and if need be, replace the washers and seals.

  • Run a diagnostics check of your irrigation system strategically section by section assessing for leaks and blockages.

  • Repair any leaking sections and plug any holes.

  • Replace blocked drippers or jets.

  • Make sure you're using the most efficient and appropriate jets or drippers for each section of the garden. Some parts may need 4 litre/hr drippers where other sections might be fine with 2 litre/hr ones.

  • Mulch. I've said it before and I'll say it again, not only does mulching your gardens insulate plants from the radiant heat, but it aids water retention and prevents dehydration. Mulch also serves to nourish and feed your soil as it breaks down. Make adding a generous layer of quality mulch part of your regular seasonal garden maintenance and you'll potentially cut your watering expenses in half.

  • Avoid watering in the hottest part of the day. You're far better off to water early in the morning, giving water the opportunity to soak in and avoid evaporating too quickly. Watering earlier also eliminates the opportunity for fungal issues and disease to arise as a result of excessive moisture overnight.

Implementing as many of these measures as possible should see you saving a lot of money over time. Monitor your quarterly water bills too for exceptionally large spikes in usage and cost. An excessive bill in itself might be enough of a warning that there's a leak or an issue somewhere that needs to be addressed.

Perhaps you can reward your hard work with some more new plants for the garden.

Hope you're enjoying the last couple of days of Winter.... bring on Spring!

Happy gardening😘🌸🌼💦

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